Epiphany celebrated!

We had a good congregation in Church for our Epiphany Service on Sunday — the Kings were out in force on the Communion Table!

This is going to be a big year for us. Later in the month a party of twenty-seven of us are going on Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and next Sunday, after our morning service there will be a congregational lunch followed by a meeting of the Kirk Session and Congregational Board to which everyone is invited. The meeting will start to consider our Mission programme for this year. If you think about it, there is nothing more important than mission and having got our building in order and built our congregation it is now appropriate for us to plan how we are going to start to change the world!

Our two-hour session on Sunday will be led by one of our new elders, Julian, who has already done quite a bit of preparation for this meeting to ensure that we think through all of the opportunities which are open to us. Quite a number of ideas have already been brought forward and there will be a full report on the web-site following our meeting.