Weekly Blog

Friday 23rd. August, 2019

Plans are afoot for our service on Sunday 1st. September when Alison will be baptised and Laura will be confirmed. It will be really special and the service will end with a short celebration of Holy Communion.

The church marquee has now moved to Jim and Liz’s home and after the service on 1st. September everyone is invited there for a celebratory lunch. Church seems to be a succession of celebrations at the moment but we shall soon be getting back into harness with preparatory meetings for our congregational pilgrimage to the Holy Land, with our regular film evenings and with our University of the third age course which we are hosting.

Later on the afternoon of 1st. September at 3 p.m. there will be a Chamber Concert in church. The concert will be led by Lucy Cowan and will include a piano and string ensemble, along with the Bach double violin concerto. This concert has been arranged by Bridget who says that, although there is no charge for the concert, donations to Operation Raleigh International would be most welcome.