Flower Festival 16th. and 17th. June, 2018

“All things bright and beautiful” from our 2017 festival

Clare Fleming writes:

“We are hoping that this will be a joyful festival of glorious flowers decorating our historic church. Many hands make light work and so please contact me if you are able to help in any way.

We will be serving teas and coffees with cake so baker please prepare.

Flower arrangers and those who can put flowers in vases are invited to prepare the church on Friday15th. Please let me know if you have a favourite place in the Kirk which you would like to decorate and I will reserve it for you.

I am gathering some historic facts about the role of Fogo Kirk in Christian worship and will link these with our decorations.

Together we can do this and culminate with a Songs of Praise at 4pm on Sunday 17th at 4pm.”