What a Wonderful Easter!

Some of our Easter congregation rolling eggs.

Easter was a wonderful day — it started cold, but the church was beautifully warm — and then the sun came out and, after the service, we were able to roll the fifty-plus hard-boiled and then dyed eggs which had been prepared for us.

So many people had done something to make today really special. A cross decorated with flowers sat on the chancel, and everywhere in the church there were flowers with lots of Easter daffodils. A new Easter pulpit fall had been made and someone had bought Easter activity books for the children, another Easter Eggs while still another had made chocolate nests filled with tiny eggs for everyone in the congregation.

Stupendous music had been prepared, the ancient silver communion ware was on the communion table, refreshments had been brought in for after the service and so many people had come to join us.

We had every decade of age represented: children under ten, teenagers, twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, sixties, seventies, eighties and nineties — every single decade having at least one representative!

It was a happy, happy service with several people sharing in leading the service and in distributing the communion. We had so very much to celebrate.